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We offer a comprehensive suite of financial services including

  • Project Construction Finance (Mixed Project),
  • Project Inventory Funding (Mixed Project),
  • Redevelopment Project Funding (Mixed Project),
  • Raising equity from PE funds & AIF,
  • External Commercial Borrowing (ECB),
  • Lease Rental Discounting (LRD),
  • Working Capital Loans,
  • Loan Against Property (LAP),
  • Projects APF and Home Loans.

Any property owner looking for financing can apply for a LAP. This includes both individuals and businesses that wish to use their property as collateral for a loan.

"LRD is a method of obtaining finance based on the rental income of a leased property. It involves discounting future rental receipts to get a lump sum loan amount.

Yes, we specialize in providing tailored financing options for redevelopment projects to transform existing properties.

We assist in the structuring and negotiation of equity investments from Private Equity funds and Alternative Investment Funds to provide you with the capital needed for your business or project.

The loan term can vary greatly depending on the scope of the project and your financial profile. We can provide more detailed information after an initial consultation.

The documentation required typically includes a business plan, financial statements, proof of income, property documents for secured loans, business licenses, bank statements, and tax returns.

The approval timeline can vary based on the type of loan and required documentation. Our team works diligently to expedite the process while ensuring due diligence.

Our services are tailored to each client's needs, leveraging extensive industry experience, and we specialize in innovative financial solutions for real estate and infrastructure projects.

Tax benefits can vary based on how the loan is used. We recommend consulting with a tax advisor for advice specific to your situation.

Still have some questions?

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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